Authors:- Ms. Pawani Reddy, Dr. Sanjeev Mishra, Dr. A. K. Chaturvedi
Abstract- Rationale: Growing expectations and need of stakeholders followed with technological advancements at different ends of the Supply Chain (SC) are making the entire chain quite complex, and prone to disruptions and indecisive. To manage several aspects associated with the continuity of business processes, it become imperative to manage the supply chain risks associated with disruptions implicitly and explicitly. In this context interest of the academicians, researchers and industrialists for Industry 4.0 and related technologies for managing the disruptions of SC is burgeoning. The principal objective of the present research work is to qualitatively assess the relative effect of the Industry 4.0 tools and technologies on the SC visibility and flexibility which leads into making the SC more repressible and robust.
Methodology: The research work was carried out in two different stages. In first stage extensive review was performed over the studies related with the disruptions in SC to identify the major challenging aspects and in consequent section analysis is presented.
Conclusion: This research work confirms that Industry 4.0 tools and technologies are effective in building a resilient and robust SC at different stages. It is also noticed that Industry 4.0 tools and technology applications result into more explicit and implicit benefits to the SC in pre-turmoil and reclamation stage.
Practical Contribution: The research work may help to know about the key areas of the SC followed with the application of Industry 4.0 tools and technologies to make the SC more resilient and robust for continuity of business.
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A Study on Impact of FDI on Indian Economy– An Empirical Analysis
Authors:-Assistant Professor Dr. Pooja Kumari, Associate Professor Dr. R. Vennila
Abstract- A lot of debate is going on about the importance of foreign direct investment (FDI) in the process of growth has been hot in a number of nations, including India. The foundation and prerequisite for economic development and growth is investment. In addition to a country’s foreign exchange reserves, other factors that are essential to its health include exports, government revenue, financial status, the amount of available domestic savings, and the volume and caliber of foreign investment. The aim of this study is to analyze the impact of FDI on Indian Economy. To meet the objective of the study time series data is used 2005 to 2023. Variables used in the study are Foreign Direct Investment as dependent variable and Gross Domestic Capital Formation (GDCF), export, import, Gross Domestic Product (GDP), Foreign Exchange Reserve (FER) and Wholesale Price Index (WPI)as independent variables. Techniques used in this study are descriptive test, correlation and regression analysis. FDI exhibits a positive correlation with variables such as GDCF (0.44), Export (0.38), Import (0.42), GDP (0.44), and FER (0.44). This implies that a 1% increase in FDI corresponds to a corresponding degree of change in other variables. The correlation between WPI and FDI is negative, or – 0.22, indicating that the two variables go in different directions. The study concluded that FDI statically significantly impact on Indian economy.