International Journal for Novel Research in Economics, Finance and Management (IJNREFM) is a online publishing platform for scholars from field of Finance, Economics, Accounting, Business, Marketing, Management. This journal provide open access for each published paper having valid ISSN 3048-7722. This directly increases the reach of the authors globally.
Each of submitted paper is check by Editor, Software (Plagiarism) at the beginning if content is relevant and original then forward to Reviewer. In order to increase the quality of journal review is done by two reviewer. If both the reviewer accept paper then only content will be approved.
Journal is working for getting the indexing at different platform, hence reach of published content get increases. Further Journal technical team follow search engine optimization techniques as well so content is easily available on any of platforms.
Journal to provide content related to Accounting, Commerce, Finance, Management research field only. Some of recent case studies, outcomes, surveys, learning, patterns, discussions of relevant field studies are welcome. In order to maintain provide flexibility to young author’s, researchers, scholars journal accept paper of any format (initially), each of approved article formatting is done by internal team of journal.
Journal Title | International Journal for Novel Research in Economics, Finance and Management |
ISSN | 3048-7722 |
Frequency | Bi-Monthly (Every two Month/ 6 Issue in a Year) |
Publisher | True DataScience Pvt Ltd |
Chief Editor | Prof. Ankur Goel |
Copyright | True DataScience Pvt Ltd |
Starting Year | 2023 |
Subject | Management |
Language | English |
Publication format | Online |
IJNREFM Publication
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The research covers a bunch of different topics, like:
- Figuring out how financial reports and sharing information affect stock prices.
- Looking into how auditing (checking financial info) and rules about it work.
- Seeing how businesses use accounting info when they make deals for things like loans, workers, and supplies.
- Checking how accounting helps decide how much people get paid and how companies are run.
- Studying how the way managers do accounting inside a company affects decisions like budgeting and pricing.
- Finding out what really happens when companies share their financial info, and how it affects what they do.
- Looking at the rules and systems that make sure financial reports are accurate, especially for banks.
- Checking out how different countries report financial stuff and how that matters in the global money markets.
- Understanding the politics behind deciding the rules for accounting.
- Seeing how governments use accounting info for public money and big economic stats.
- Figuring out how tax rules affect how companies structure their money deals.
- Noticing how being clear and open in markets and society is important.
- Exploring how companies take on social responsibilities.
Keywords include things like accounting, finance, business, global, research, numbers, history, professional, checking, theories, money, managing, people, environment, taxes, looking closely, studies, articles, reviews, books, rules, and international stuff, economics, human management, resource management, etc.
Frequency: Six Issues per Year
Status: Published Online